I don't have much to say, just a quick note that I'm in beautiful Houston, Texas on a business trip, and the Phillies are still foundering. I caught the end of the Sunday game, which the Phillies lost 3-2 to the Cubs, at my sister- and brother-in-law's house. They are all avid Astros fans, and are even more melancholy than I am about now. I saw most of the Monday 4-2 win over the Brewers on our laptop via MLB.TV. One of these days I'll have to give a complete review of that service, which is fantastic. I completely missed yesterday's and today's epic bullpen collapses. I think the less said, the better. The one good thing I've noticed is that Bob Abreu is volcanically hot now that we're well into May. Aside from that, all is pretty morose in Phan-ville.
Well, I have to run and eat more on the company dole. I probably won't be checking in again until I get home. At that time I'll regale you with tales of my excursion to Minute Maid Park to watch the Astros play the Barry-less Giants.