Wednesday, April 23, 2003


The New York Times revealed (login req'd) yesterday that the Bush re-election team will be going after leading Democratic Presidential contender Sen. John Kerry by alleging, among other things, that he "looks French". What the story failed to mention is that the Bush team has a list of other strategies for the remainder of the Democratic field.

John Edwards: "John" sounds like "Jean". Too French.

Dick Gephardt: "Dick" reminds everyone of the French love for sex.

Joe Lieberman: German name. Plus, as a bonus, he's Jewish, so he helped kill our Lord and Saviour (use last one only in the South and maybe Utah).

Howard Dean: Comes from Vermont. "Vermont" is French for Green Mountain. They must be crawling with 'em up there.

Bob Graham: Graham crackers must be French. They are used in fancy pies and stuff.

Carole Mosely Braun: Looks too much like Josephine Baker.

Dennis Kucinich: Um, been seen eating French fries. Who cares?

Al Sharpton: Right. As if we need a strategy. Our strategy is his hairdo.

Monday, April 21, 2003


Hey, I finally added an about page!


Yesterday was some sort of a holiday, I guess. This being a secular society, I've never been quite sure what it is we were supposed to be celebrating yesterday. Here at TCP headquarters, my wife and I celebrated the first Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox with the usual fertility rites of coloring eggs, worshipping rabbits and eating copious amounts of chocolate, in honor of Pan, I suppose, or some such deity. Then we ate a traditional meal consisting of a main course of ham...for some reason. And then we, um, well, performed more fertility rites. Then I watched Six Feet Under while she read a book. I don't think that had anything to do with anything, but I thought I'd mention it in case someone knew anything.

Target was closed yesterday. What the fuck?