Just in case anyone was wondering.
Let's have a look at the contenders.
John McCain - He continues to dance with what brung him, hoping that Karl Rove will join his campaign to give it that winning sheen, or a sheen of something anyway. He asked General Pace some tough questions at the Iraq hearings a few weeks ago, which will help him with the JonStewartinistas.
Mitt Romney - The Stormin' Mormon got a lot of kudos for taking over the Big Dig collapse investigation. I'm partial to Mitt. Religious enough for the wackos, fairly young, and above all, refreshingly competent.
George Allen - Macaca! Jim Webb is catching up in the Virginia Senate race, thanks to that vaguely racist epithet. That should be his campaign slogan. George Allen: Only Vaguely Racist!
Mike Huckabee - Not much to report. He's still looking pretty buff, for him.
Sam Brownback - He wasn't on my original list, but he seems to be mentioned by everybody else. All I can say is, please oh please God, spare us.
Newt Gingrich - I dismissed him out of hand, and I still do, but I hope he runs just for Harry Shearer's sake.
Bill Frist - Terry Schiavo. Did I mention Terry Schiavo?
Rudy Giuliani - I'm only including him because he hasn't been caught having anal sex with Boy George...yet.
Hillary Clinton - Triangulating her way to an easy Senate win in 2006, Ms. Rodham manages to throw Joe Lieberman under the campaign bus and co-sponsor the anti-flag-burning amendment within a few weeks of each other. Nice!
Mark Warner - That other Virginia dude gets a tooth-baring cover photo (oh, and a mostly favorable write-up) in the New York Times Magazine, but generates little other major buzz. He's my not-Hillary #1 so far.
Al Gore - As I mentioned, I called his resurrection. I didn't even know he was doing a movie! I haven't seen it yet, but I don't have to go into an air-conditioned theater to know that it's too damn hot outside. Al's only problem is that he's probably a better documentarian than President.
Russ Feingold - He'll never get the nomination, but I hope he runs. Being that close to actual integrity might help the other Democrats. I would say that it would help the Republicans, too, but Jesus himself couldn't help those guys.
John Kerry - Just stop talking in public, John. Please.
John Edwards - Handsome guy, talks about Two Americas. Whatever.
Joe Biden - Nice job with the South Asian vote, Joe.