We're back in the Delaware Valley of The Shadow of Death. We actually got back on Monday, but since no one actually reads this, I didn't think it was relevant to mention it on here at that time.
Wanna see our vacation photos? Well, you can't, because you're not related to me. And why would you want to anyway? Are you obsessed with me or something, like that guy from "One-Hour Photo"? If you think you're going to photograph me having sex with my mistress, well, that's where I draw the line. First, I'd have to pay somebody to be my mistress, and, frankly, the whole thing just doesn't seem worth the effort. Anyway, here's a morsel to keep you sated.
We had a great turkey lined up until the Bumpus hounds ate it, but everything turned out OK at the Chinese Restaurant. And I got my official Daisy Red Ryder BB-gun with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time!