Tuesday, February 04, 2003


I'm all better now after the illness I contracted during training class. Ok, it wasn't an illness, it was a cold, but it could have been an illness if it had applied itself. Right now, I'm waiting for some guy from Seattle to show up and install some software. While I'm waiting, I'm trying to check out a video from Tatu, a teen singing group in the UK which has been banned from "Top Of The Pops" for being "pedo-pop". You know, when I hear about censorship in any form, I simply need to investigate for myself to determine the important relevant issues, and this case is certainly no exception. In fact, this is whatever the opposite of an exception is.

Ok, I saw it. Imagine Britney Spears, circa "Hit Me Baby One Time" only not as old looking, with a female friend of the same age, making out in the rain in some sort of open air prison cell. Um, has R. Kelly seen this? I wouldn't let him watch it if I were the authorities. I mean, even I think this should be banned. Yeesh.

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