Monday, April 26, 2004


I'm back from Lake Chuck. Lake Charles, Louisiana is like New Orleans, but without the music, the history, the charm, or the devil-may-care ambience, and double the squalor. I stayed at a place called "Best Suites", which referred, one would hope, to its rank among the accommodations of Lake Charles, and not of the larger earth as a whole. One would hope.

The trip was unremarkable, save the slavish devotion to work-related activities amongst my colleagues. They really need to lighten up a bit. If your idea of a good time is listening to a lecture on steam traps at 8 PM while munching on pizza, you'd fit in nicely with this bunch. Of course, if you are such a person, I would have paid you to take my place.

My favorite moment of the week was the giant billboard on I-10 posted by one or another of the casinos honoring local citizens of note. In giant letters, the sign read "Dr. Harry Swindle". Yup, that's just the kind of physician you'd expect a casino to be associated with.

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