Thursday, October 21, 2004


Jodi has another in her series of gym-related entries, so I thought I'd weigh in. Weigh in!Ha! I'm so damn clever.

So, anyway, I'm at the gym, doing the weight-machine-circuit thing, and this subhuman has decided to work out on one machine while draping his towel over an adjacent machine. The machine I want to use next. Effectively, he is now working on two machines at the same time! (It isn't doing him any good.) After pausing to consider congratulating him on his efficiency (not likely), or possibly shoving his towel up into his transverse colon (I ain't touching that thing) (the towel or the colon), I decided to move onto another machine and come back. Our dear friend proceeded to alternate between the two machines for the better part of 15 minutes, always taking time between exercises to sit and reflect on, oh whatever it is a prodigious intellect such as his is wont to reflect on (The TV show "According To Jim"?). I didn't stop to look, but the odds that he wiped down either machine with his handy towel are lower than the chances of Dick Cheney giving Rosie O'Donnell an orgasm.

And then I went home the end.

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