Monday, March 20, 2006

DAY 960 - A.B.B.

Donald Rumsfeld said yesterday that ""Turning our backs on postwar Iraq today would be the modern equivalent of handing postwar Germany back to the Nazis."

I completely agree. Except that postwar Germany had been purged of 6 million Jews and various millions of other minorities in a state-sponsored program of extermination. And the Nazis were agressors to their neighbors, having invaded Poland, Czechoslovakia, France, and Russia. And the Nazis were a direct threat to our allies Great Britain, having initated a bombing campaign of London. And the Nazis were a threat to the United States itself, having officially allied itself with Japan, a nation which had undertaken a devastating raid on our soil at Pearl Harbor. And the few Nazi leaders who had not been killed or had not killed themselves were being held for trial by an elite group of Allied jurists at Nuremburg. And there was relatively little war profiteering in postwar Germany, thanks to the Truman Commission.

Other than that, and probably about 50 other key points, Rumsfeld is right on.

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