Friday, May 02, 2008


Yeah, "make it snappy". I knew that would come back to bite me in the ass.

I'm here in Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport, or MSP as we cool kids call it. I may never leave again. The flight home was supposed to depart at 7:11. Then it was 8:33. Then it was 9:33. Then it was 9:43. Now it is 10:15. The last time I checked anyway. It's probably now being scheduled for sometime in 2012 (at 11:17 - love the exact minutes). At some point, Northwest needs to just come clean and admit that they were planning to abscond with the fares and jet off to Rio. On any other airline.

The Mets are about to get schooled by the blazing-hot Arizona Diamondbacks, a far superior team with several pitchers that are hitting better than Carlos Delgado. I'm hoping I don't get to watch much of it, but I could probably grab a flight to Arizona, catch the ending, fly back to MSP and make my flight home.

I'm paying $7.95 for this blog entry, so how about you reader(s) send me some cash? I take PayPal.

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