Friday, April 24, 2009


I just stepped off a red-eye flight from Honolulu to Anchorage, the two most dissimilar cities with regular air service in this or any other possible universe. I'm sitting in the Ted "Free At Last" Stevens International Airport at the Era Aviation gate, which is about as comfortable as getting waterboarded by Henry Rollins. The hard, unforgiving plastic chairs are one thing, but the instrumental music that sounds like the soundtrack to a Kirk Cameron-directed remake of a Sergio Leone movie brings things to a whole other level.

Ha! I just noticed the "Monetize" tab in Blogger. If I had had that back in 2002 when this here web-a-log started, I might have, oh, 27 cents by now. It's a good thing I have an engineering degree. If I had to live off writing, I'd be...well, I probably wouldn't be sitting in a Marquis De Sade-designed airport waiting area in fucking Anchorage. Maybe I should do some rethinking.

The wilds of Kenai await! And that's just the Safeway. Those people in there are crazy.

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