Monday, December 01, 2003


OK, Lexus, I give up. You know what? I'm going to take your suggestion and surprise my wife with a $50,000 vehicle this Christmas by hiding the keys in a snowman, or a toy train, or some other iconic Christmassy symbol. Yup, that's what I'm going to do, because I'm MADE of money. Between my pissant job and this blog, I'm ROLLING in it. Which is why I watch NFL Football on Sundays. I'm living so far in the lap of luxury, it's positively breathtaking, and my viewing habits reflect that. So, I'm going to go right on down to my nearest Lexus dealer and tell the cheerful salesperson to wrap a bow on it and deliver it to my palatial estate so my wife can beam with joy at her new luxury SUV. Now please, get off my ass you motherfucking dickweeds.

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