Thursday, December 04, 2003


A while back we here at TCP introduced a feature we call "SIC SAD WORLDTM", wherein we highlight passages, usually quotations, from the media that need no further embellishment, and can be taken "as written", or "sic" in Latin.

Today, we present the second item in the SIC SAD WORLDTM catalog. This comes from a story by Reuters about a statue of Padre Pio in Rome that is allegedly weeping blood.

A national consumer protection group warned against a possible hoax, saying devotees of Padre Pio had been swindled in the past. "Let's be careful before shouting 'miracle'," the Codacons consumer group said in a statement.

* No, it's not really trademarked. What are you going to do, seize my 1991 Beretta? It's all yours.

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