Thursday, October 24, 2002


Before Game 4 of the World Series last night, Major League Baseball revealed its "Most Memorable Moment" as voted by the fans. It occurred to me there ought to be a similar vote for blogging. So here it is! Vote for your favorite moment in the history of blogging from the nominees below:

1. Kelli from Saginaw, MI reveals her crush on Justin Timberlake - June, 2000.

2. The first "meme" is released. The archives have been erased, but we know it involves something about "Seinfeld" quotes - May 1999.

3. Andrew Sullivan responds to Paul Krugman's response to Instapundit's reply to Mickey Kaus' tirade against Matt Drudge's insinuation that "George Bush is an idiot" - Pretty much every day.

4. KraziS3xyC00l from "somewhere in Eastern Europe" posts the first photo of a blogger performing with his nĂ¼-metal band - January 2000.

5. "The Herminator" posts the first lame comedy bit involving lists - November 1999.

Vote Today!

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